About Me

Leslie-Anne Sivret BS, LMP, CCST
Welcome. I am a graduate of The University of Massachusetts and The Body Mind Academy.Being a Licensed Massage Practioner, Certified Cranio-Sacral Therapist and a Nationally Certified  Bodyworker for many years, I perform a variety of massage techniques all designed to help the body to heal. I specialize in Medical Massage and Cranio-Sacral Therapy( a profound, powerful, and extremely light touch therapy) while providing a peaceful, safe environment for wellness to take place. Releasing restrictions in the soft tissue, joints, sacrum and the cranium allows the body to heal and resume balanced functioning, pain relief, and optimal health.Neck/back pain, migraines, sinus problems, fibromyalgia and other chronic conditions as well as injuries are the focus of my practice. I am an L&I Provider, PIP Provider, and a Preferred Provider for many medical insurances.I look forward to assisting you in your healing process.